Convert these plastic skeletons into marrionettes.
You'll need: a skeleton with jointed arms and legs, twine or heavy string, paint, balsa wood (2 pieces), acrylic paint: white, black, pink, red, dolls hair, dolls hat, fabric scraps, thin dowel that will fit through the skull and torso.
First reinforce the head and torso with a slim dowel to prevent it from bending. This step can be skipped if you wish the head to bob. Also reinforce the joints by tying them with string. Make sure it is not so tight to prevent movement.
Use acrylic white paint to bring out the features of the skeleton and create a bleached bones look. Use black paint for the eyebrows. If you are making a girl, pink will rosy up her cheeks and red will bring out her lips. Give her a doll's wig and perhaps a paper flower or two in her hair. For the boy use a sombrero straw hat or top hat depending on your preference. And fabric scraps to make a vest, scarf, pants or skirt.
Add decoration as you like, necklace, tie, earrings etc.
Glue the two pieces of balsa together in the center forming a cross or x. With a small hand drill put small holes at each end of the balsa wood.Thread string through each of these holes and attach to the wrists and knees of the marionette.
If you choose not to reinforce the head and torso with a dowel, you will need to tie a sting from the center of the balsa wood to the top of the head. For a special touch paint a cardboard box to look like a stage for your marionette(s).